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4th Congress of the Cameroon Academy of Neurology 4ème Congrès de l’Académie Camerounaise de Neurologie

Epilepsy National Symposium on policy dialogue on IGAP implementation and domestication in Cameroon from May 30th to 31st, 2024

1. General statement
After epilepsy day in 2023 at the University of Buea (Cameroon), the Cameroon League against Epilepsy (CLAE), in association with the Cameroon Academy of Neurology (CAN), chose the town of Dschang in the West Cameroon region, 250km from Douala, as the place to distil neuroscience knowledge on the subject of epilepsy.
Two weeks ago, banners and flyers were displayed in the town of Dschang and the surrounding area, and invitations were extended to the local administrative authorities and the media.
We welcomed nearly 200 participants from all over the West Cameroon region:
– Specialist doctors (neurologists, radiologists, internists, paediatricians)
– General practitioners
– Paramedics (nurses and laboratory technicians)
– Regional representatives of the West Cameroon health delegate
11 oral communication sessions on the following topics:
– Research in epilepsy: from the laboratory to the clinic (by IBRO representative)
– Definition and classification
– Epidemiology
– pathophysiology
– Epilepsy semiology
– Diagnosis of epilepsy (Video session)
– Treatment of epilepsy
– Treatment of status epilepticus
– The role of imaging in the management of epilepsy
– Epilepsy and reproductive health
- Scientific programme
We started the scientific exchanges at 1pm in the amphitheatre of the University of Dschang, specially prepared for the occasion. The sessions began with the registration of participants on the attendance list.
the session was led by chair: Professor Callixte kuate (President of CLAE) and Co-Chairs:
–Professor Simeon Choukem (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dschang)
–Professor Yacouba Mapoure (President of CAN)
–Dr Njoya (representative of the regional health delegate for the western region).
The introductory speech was given by the president of the CLAE Pr C. Kuate, followed by the CAN president Pr Y. Mapoure, who is also vice-dean of the faculty of medicine at the University of Douala. The latter expressed their joy and pleasure at coming to this city of knowledge and new pool of medical research. This was followed by words of welcome from the representative of the Delegate for Health and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Dschang.
Over a period of 5 hours, the presentations by the experts followed in turn:
Dr Jean Joel Dongmo (neurologist at the CHR in Bafoussam) defined seizures and epilepsy, and the evolution of definitions of ILAE. Dr Paul Mbonda (neurologist at Yaounde General Hospital) gave us an overview of the epidemiology of epilepsy throughout the world, and particularly in Cameroon. Then Pr Glawdys Ngoupayou (neuroscience lecturer at the Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, and also representative of Ibro Cameroun) spoke to us about the history of epilepsy and basic research in epileptology. Dr Yannick Fogang (neurologist at the Bafoussam regional hospital) continued in the same item, talking about the link between the physiopathology of epileptic seizures. We then began the clinical sessions with the semiology of epileptic seizures by Dr Annick Magnerou (neurologist at the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala), who enhanced the session with videos illustrating the different manifestations of epileptic seizures, followed by Dr Christelle Ngaleu (neurologist at the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala) on the different aetiologies of epilepsy. Then the moderator opened the floor to questions and answers. The radiologist from Bafoussam regional hospital, Dr Jean Roger Tapouh, resumed the session by talking about the contribution of imaging to the diagnosis of epilepsy. Professor Jacques Doumbe (neurologist and head of the clinical sciences department of the FMSP at the University of Douala) went on to talk about epilepsy and reproductive health in epileptics and women of childbearing age. Professors Callixte Kuate and Yacouba Mapoure spoke about the management of epilepsy and status epilepticus. Dr Victor Sini (neurologist at Yaounde General Hospital) then closed the sessions with a talk on vascular epilepsy, followed by a 2nd question-and-answer session.
We ended the day with interviews with the national media present (Equinoxe TV and Canal 2), followed by a meal offered to the participants.
The experts met again at the hotel in the evening for a cocktail reception and welcome back wishes from the Dean of the faculty of medicine in Dschang.
3. Final comments and acknowledgements:
The organization of this Epilepsy Day would not have been a success without the support of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), CAN and CLAE. Teachers from all over Cameroon were able to take part in this trip to share their knowledge with the young trainees.
Many thanks to IBRO for the support.
Annick Melanie MAGNEROU, MD
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A Propos du Congrès !!!

The mission assigned to AFAN was to represent and unify all African neurologists through their National Neurology Societies, towards education and up to date knowledge. Since its foundation, AFAN has carried out several activities to promote neurology in Africa including conferences, workshops, training courses etc... After Tunisia and South Africa, the Central African Region will host the third AFAN congress in Cameroon from October 21st to 23rd, 2022 in Douala.

Nos Partenaires !!!